By: Karen

By: Karen

Going to either Mexico or Costa Rica for Dental Tourism. I need to have bridge put in over two teeth. Must fix cavity on one of teeth before getting bridge. Would I be able to get work done completely within 3-7 days? Can anyone tell me where to go and who to see to get this work done? I need to have work done soon, so cavity doesn’t get worse. Local USA dentist said price would be ~$3000. I don’t have dental insurance and I don’t have money for it either. I would need a loan or put on credit card. I would be going alone on this trip and I’m >60 yrs old. Is this a good idea? I’ve not done anything like this before. Worried about going to terrible dentist. Not sure how to find out information about clinic and dentist.
Please help give me information. Thank you.

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Protect Your Smile: Top 5 Reasons To Wear A Mouthguard

Protect Your Smile: Top 5 Reasons To Wear A Mouthguard

Football playersWhether you’re racing down the field for a touchdown or going for a slam dunk on the court, the last thing on an athlete’s mind is the health of their smile. Despite this seemingly unrelated topic, more dental accidents occur while playing sports than you might think.

According to Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, dentists estimate that between 13% and 39% of dental injuries occur while playing sports. What’s even more, 80% of all dental injuries affect at least one of the front teeth.

Although many athletes neglect the safety of their teeth, it’s critical to address this issue to avoid dental trauma. In celebration of National Facial Protection Month, all of us here at Dentistry of Nashville encourage our patients to protect their smiles by wearing a mouthguard while playing any contact sports.

Why Is It Important To Wear A Mouthguard?

The importance of wearing a mouthguard should not be overlooked. Some of the top reasons to wear a mouthguard while playing contact sports include:

  1. Avoid Fractures: The most obvious benefit of wearing a mouthguard is protecting your teeth from breaking. If a fracture does occur, there are still several dental treatments that can save your tooth. However, we believe that preventative measures should be taken to avoid this problem altogether.
  2. Avoid Tooth Displacement: Even if your teeth remain intact without any chips or fractures, they can still be displaced. Displacement occurs when the tooth still remains partially or completely in the socket but has shifted. This is particularly dangerous because it can cause your tooth to move easily after the accident.
  3. Protect Your Jaw: A mouthguard can also be a useful tool for protecting your jaw. In the instance of impact, a mouthguard can help to absorb the shock and prevent a painful injury to the jaw.
  4. Protect Soft Tissue: A mouthguard is useful for protecting the soft tissues of the mouth, including the gums, cheeks, and lips. During impact, many athletes can bite through their lower lip or inner cheek. Wearing a mouthguard can protect your teeth along with these soft tissues.
  5. Save Money: In the end, investing money in a mouthguard will save you the pain and financial burden of costly treatment for dental injuries.

The Most Common Dental Injuries For Athletes

According to the American Dental Assistants’ Association, approximately 5 million Americans lose teeth due to injuries related to sports. The most common types of injuries fall into three categories:

  • Cracked teeth
  • Fractured roots
  • Tooth intrusion

No matter what category your dental trauma falls in, it’s critical to treat the issue as soon as possible. Avoiding treatment can impact the rest of your teeth, and you may even end up losing a tooth that initially could have been saved.

Types Of Mouthguards

If you’ve decided to invest in a mouthguard, we’d like to congratulate you on taking the first step to protecting your smile and dental health! The next important step is choosing the right mouthguard according to your budget and preferences.

A mouthguard should be resilient, comfortable, and not restrict your breathing. Some of your choices for mouthguards include:

  • Custom-made mouthguards: A custom-made device provides the best fit and the most protection. The mouthguard is made by taking an impression of your teeth to perfectly fit your mouth. While this is the most comfortable, effective option, it is also the most expensive.
  • Boil-and-bite mouthguards: These types of mouthguards come pre-formed and can be fitted by boiling the mouthguard and biting down. Most boil-and-bite mouthguards can be found at sporting good stores and are a more comfortable option than stock mouthguards.
  • Stock mouthguards: These mouthguards are preformed and ready to wear. These can often be the least comfortable.

Mouthguard Maintenance

Maintaining your mouthguard is also important for protecting your smile. According to a 2011 study published in Sports Medicine, researchers found a variety of molds and bacteria on the mouthguards of football players. Properly cleaning and caring for your mouthguard will ensure your mouth stays clear of bacteria while protecting your teeth. Some of the best ways to maintain your mouthguard include:

  • Keeping your mouthguard in a clean dry area between games
  • Rinse and brush your mouthguard before and after use
  • Soak your mouthguard in soapy water and rinse for thorough cleanings
  • Never leave your mouthguard in hot water or the hot sun
  • Look for signs of wear and replace your mouthguard when necessary

Contact Dentistry Of Nashville

Do you have additional questions about protecting your smile while playing sports? No matter what your dental concerns are, we are here to assist you! From family dentistry to restorative treatment, your smile is in the best hands possible with us! Contact our office today to learn more about how we can give you a healthier, beautiful smile.

The post Protect Your Smile: Top 5 Reasons To Wear A Mouthguard appeared first on Drs. Elam, Vaughan and Fleming.

Quit These Habits To Maintain Health Teeth

Quit These Habits To Maintain Health Teeth

Your teeth are vital for your overall health and longevity. Strong and healthy teeth, helps you speak and eat with ease and helps keep your gums in great shape. Keeping your teeth healthy is very important to do. Maintaining them is necessary if you want to prevent oral diseases and the spreading of bacterial infections throughout the body.

Although many people may have a fantastic regimen to keep their pearly whites strong, certain common practices can have negative effects. View our top 5 common habits that can cause damage to your teeth.

  1. Chewing Ice Cubes

While chewing on ice cubes can be refreshing for the body on a hot day, your teeth may not enjoy it. Chewing ice can cause micro-cracks in the enamel and can cause tooth sensitivity over time. Chewing on ice can also damage the gums and cause gum recession.

Surprisingly, craving ice is often a sign of iron deficiency and stress. Sometimes taking iron pills can make the ice craving go away. Next time that you choose to chew on ice, substitute it for a great snack like carrots or celery, that will provide the same crunch effect but with healthy vitamins.

If you feel like you crave ice all of the time, speak to your healthcare professional to determine any further medical concerns.

  1. Brushing Forcefully

Many people believe that the harder that you brush, the cleaner your teeth will be. That is not the case brushing your teeth too hard can actually cause many serious problems to your teeth and gums. If you apply too much pressure to your teeth when brushing your teeth, you run the risk of developing receding gums, cavities and enamel wear. Below you will find a few signs of over brushing.

  • Enamel wear
  • Receding gums
  • Cavities on teeth

Dental professionals recommend that you brush your teeth with a gentle toothbrush while using soft gentle strokes in a circular motion around each tooth. It is recommended that you brush your teeth for 2-3 mins to get optimal results. Finish your routine with flossing in between your teeth and using a mouthwash.

  1. Teeth Grinding

Over 30 to 40 million Americans grind their teeth consciously or unconsciously. The behavior is also called bruxism. It’s important for people who suffer from this disorder understand the consequences that happen to your oral health. It can cause chips, pain, and discomfort to your enamel.

If you don’t know if you suffer from teeth grinding, there are many symptoms that are noticeable when you are awake. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Dull constant headache
  • Sore jaw
  • Someone hears your grinding during your sleep
  • Indentations on your tongue
  • Tooth sensitivity

If you suspect that you may have the teeth grinding condition, schedule an appointment with your dental professional. They will provide the solution to combat the problem.

  1. Consuming Sugary Foods

According to the National Institutes of Health, 58% of teens aged 12 to 19 have cavities, with adults 20-64 at an astonishing 92%. Consumption of sugar is a primary reason that cavities and tooth decay are at a rise in the United States.

When you consume sugar, mouth bacteria feed on it. The bacteria then leaves its residue on your teeth, which leads to gum disease, tartar, and cavities. To prevent this, make sure to consume less sugar in your diet and to brush your teeth after indulging in it.

  1. Biting Your Nails or Cuticles

Biting your nails is a common habit that can cause by nervousness. According to the American Psychiatric Association, biting your nails is considered a form of the obsessive compulsive disorder. In a study conducted by a few researchers, nail biting is common in 45% of all teenagers of either gender.

Many people may not realize the damage that nail biting can cause on the enamel of the teeth. According to Colgate, patients who bite their nails chip the enamel away from their front teeth due to the pressure and stress caused to the enamel. In addition to the damage that it causes to the enamel of the tooth, a person can develop bruxism (teeth grinding) as a result of this habit.

Your dental professional may prescribe a mouth guard to help prevent patients from further biting their nails, resulting in damaging their teeth. Other professionals may develop a therapy that patients can learn that helps them learn different techniques that will eliminate them from biting their nails or cuticles.

Contact Us

Maintaining healthy teeth is important if you want to have great overall health. Our doctors and staff are dedicated to helping all of their patients achieve great oral health. If you have further questions on how to maintain a great oral health contact us today.

The post Quit These Habits To Maintain Health Teeth appeared first on Drs. Elam, Vaughan and Fleming.