Just be sure you get a Board Certified Dental Association dentist when in Mexico for the best work.
US Dentist Dr. Nelson Henry's Mexico Dentist Guide Features Mexican Dental Vacations to Cabo, Los Algodones, Puerto Vallarta, Cancun and Tijuana with Board Certified Dentists for the best dentistry in Mexico!
Mexico Dentist Guide is owned by Dr. Nelson Henry DMD. He is a former owner of 2 dental clinics in Maine USA, semi-retired and now staying active sending patients on Mexican dental vacations where they can afford large treatments.
Dr. Henry is on the patient’s side and believes that dentistry in the USA is too expensive so he decided to start his own alternative dental healthcare program referring patients to certified dentists in Mexico for their large treatments.
Even if you are having just a crown or few – you will save money by visiting a certified dentist in Mexico. How much? As much as 75% on your major treatments like crowns, cosmetic dentistry and dental implants.
All his associate Mexican dentists are board certified dentists and work for the same price as less-trained non-certified general dentists in Mexico.
The American Dental Association,Mexican Dental Association and Dr. Henry all agree that advanced dental procedures should be performed by Board Certified dentists for the patient’s safety, comfort and the best results. Certified dentists are the ones you need for your important dentistry in Mexico.
According to Dr. Henry - patient should avoid dentists in Mexico who call themselves "specialists" who are often only general dentists non-certified for the advanced procedures the patient requires. They legally can and will attempted complicated procedures on you if given the opportunity.
Board Certified dentists in Mexico have years of advanced specialist school training do superior work and cost the same as less-trained general dentists in Mexico.
Visit Mexico Dentist Guide the best Mexican dental vacation web site to find out more on how you can save thousands on your large dental treatments.
Dr. Nelson's Mexico Dentist Guide has English speaking Mexican dentists (not call center agents) to advise patients. They can prepare estimates and will give referrals to the dentists certified for your procedures in your preferred dental travel destination in Mexico.
By using one of Dr. Nelson's Board Certified Mexican dentists you will be sure of getting your dental work done right in Mexico and right the first time at an affordable price.
FOR A FREE ONLINE ESTIMATE: Visit www.aboutmexicandentists.com By David de Los Angeles Travel and Health Care Writer url: www.angelswrote.wordpress.com