Thanksgiving is a few weeks away and no matter how you plan on spending the holiday, odds are there will be feasting involved. But have you ever wondered how the Thanksgiving staples affect your smile? Check out this list of Thanksgiving tips to ensure that your teeth stay strong and healthy this November.
Fresh Snacks are Best
While people don’t think of fresh fruit or cheese slices when they think of Thanksgiving, it is common to have appetizers sitting out before the big dinner. Many of these appetizers are excellent for your teeth, including fresh veggie sticks, cheese slices, and apple slices. If you plan on trying a wide variety of foods this Thanksgiving that aren’t as good for your smile, then mixing in fresh foods can minimize damage to your teeth.
Don’t Forget to Drink Water Often
This tip is excellent for keeping your smile bright, because water washes away much of the debris, sugar, and acid that rests loosely on your teeth. It’s likely that champagne, beer, soda, coffee, and other beverages will be available on Thanksgiving, but remember water for its dental benefits. Plus, it’s ability to make you feel full is excellent for weight loss as well.
Chew Xylitol Gum Between Meals
If you’re like most Americans and your Thanksgiving feast involves more than one plate, then one tip that’s great for your teeth is to remember to chew xylitol gum. Xylitol is a sweetener that benefits the teeth, and the American Dental Association has confirmed its advantages for your oral health. Simply look for the ADA seal of approval on the pack of gum you buy to ensure that it will help your smile rather than hurt it.
Enjoy the Turkey!
Turkey is not only an excellent meat when it comes to your waistline, but it also contains nutrients that benefit your oral health. For example, turkey is rich in phosphorus which maximizes the effect of calcium, the building block of your teeth. The nutrients in turkey contribute to your smile by rebuilding gum tissue and performing other useful functions.
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